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                  8-week Group Program 


               Here is the reality - Diets have failed you! 

This group program is for you if:

You are tired of your clothes feeling to tight but you refuse to buy larger sizes.

You hate to admit it but you have gained the COVID – 15.

You are tired of huffing and puffing when walking up stairs.

Your body aches, you are tired all the time, when you wake up your jaw hurts.

You are tired of feeling sad, angry and frustrated.

You are tired of trying all the latest diet programs only to gain the weight back.

You are ready to feel happy again.

You are tired of feeling FAT.

You love being part of a community and group support.

You are willing to devote 30-minutes weekly in participating in a group call by being on the live group call or watching at your convenience. (Don't worry if you can't make the live calls. All calls will be recorded for you review in your convenience.)

Learn how to release what is really eating you as let go of

guilt, shame and  fault about your body and food choices.

Discover how your powerful mind can ease into permanent weight loss. Feeling full and   satisfied while enjoying smaller portions of healthier foods is possible.

Enjoy a fabulous fun safe secret Facebook group. Where you will get connection,  support from me and the community.  A place where you can be real. BreakThrough  real issues.  A place to share your ah ha’s, BreakThrough’s and celebrations.

Let go of the pounds and pounds of hurt, pain and blame for being overweight


Lighter Experience

I guarantee you will have some serious a-ha moments and breakthroughs!

You will deeply shift the way you think and feel about food,

your body, your relationships, and yourself. 

Studies have shown when you do this serious work

in a group program the pounds just melt away. 

During these 8 weeks, we will tackle the following limiting beliefs and habits :

  • It is too hard. 

  • I have tried this before.

  • It never works for me. 

  • Eating well all day and blowing it at specific times of the day. 

  • What to instead of eat when you feel anxious, bored, sad, mad, tired, or emotional.

  • How to stay calm and feel in control while everyone else is spinning in chaos. 

  • Feel safe releasing weight and emotions.

  • Safely accepting the new you: the thin, confident women inside



What You’ll Receive:

The Lighter! online program  is designed to be an intensive course that will help you release more than just excess pounds. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A chance to release what is really eating you.

  • Release guilt, shame, and fault about your body and food choices.

  • Foster self-acceptance and love.

  • Let go of the pounds and pounds of hurt, pain, and blame for being overweight.

  • Drop a few notches on the scale.

All for $497

Sign up now for only $497.

Two more bonus

 Two 15-minute private calls with me during the 8 week program

The audio recording once called 40Lbs in 40 days. 40 days of audio recording that you tap along with.

·        5 to 8 minute audio recording to tap along with for 40 days in a row.

·        Weekly audio instructions on the intention for the week. 

Weight loss expert Vickie Griffith
  • I love the workshop because I don’t’ feel too anxious to participate. Vickie’s sense of humor and steadiness helps so much.

     – Joy Payne

  • I found a peace and calm that I hadn’t been in touch with for a long time.

    – Victoria Bodin

  • In just one session I had such a feeling of calm and confidence about the approaching holiday! Thanks so Much!

    – Barbara Russell

  • Vickie’s workshop has helped me identify thing I pushed aside and to acknowledge those feelings and then affirm who I am – That I have choices.

     – Martha Goodman

  • Shocked it seems to work! First time in life I have no issues with food. I feel good! Best relationship with food ever. Shocked! I can’t believe it.

    - Diana Hernandez

  • I can't thank you enough for the profound clarity your program is providing me in areas I thought I had "all figured out"! This has been a wonderful self-exploration!

    -Sara Davenport 

    Author/ Health & Relationship Specialist

    A.N.T.W.O.R.C.S. Lifestyle Programs

  • I now have more inner peace with food and myself. I now can love myself more without judgement. I now cam be a more happy internally. I now choose foods that nourish my body. I have lost 15 pounds of weight from my body. I have lost 1000 pounds of weight from my mind and inner self. Grateful Me.

    -Dorothy G.

  • I have not bought my candy that I used to soothe me. Less judgmental of me and others. Shocked getting things done that in the past I did not want to do.

    -Natalie Manor

  • You know, I know this is about weight loss.  And yet, as I listened to the tapping session today, I feel like it's about shedding more than a big way.  it's about shedding, loss, grieving, and then welcoming new times for me.  Yes, it is.  And it's about honoring who I was instead of beating up who I was.  Gotta like that.....

    -Polly Smith


Copyright 2023
Serving Ocala, Central Florida, Raleigh NC, Orlando, Miami, Homosassa, Beverly Hills, Orange County, Richmond, Virginia
Designed and Maintained by Video Doc Digital


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The information on this website including EFT and Hypnosis is for educational purposes and general information. These techniques and procedures are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Contact a physician before attempting to make any health-related changes.


Hypnosis and EFT is used by thousands of therapist, psychologist, doctors and individuals worldwide with exceptional results and with very few side effects.  However, recognize that you are fully responsible for yourself and any results of this program. It is possible that emotions or physical sensations or additional unresolved memories may surface. Previously vivid or traumatic memories may fade which could adversely impact my ability to provide detailed legal testimony regarding a traumatic incident.

Any stories or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using EFT for any particular issue.

While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed.

Break-Through or Vickie Griffith accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on this website, including, but not limited to, EFT demonstrations, training, and related activities. Helping women with weight loss tips, coaching, life coaching and workplace success. Vickie Griffith is a published Author and a Professional Weight loss Speaker.  Vickie if a Professional Key-Note Speaker in The Villages, Florida.

"Vickie Griffith helps you break-through your weight loss struggle". Learn to lose weight without a diet or weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or Keto. A weight loss program that works; counselor; lose weight fast without exercise; Lose weight in 30 days; emotional weight loss programs;

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